Events & Speaking Engagements
Speaker Engagements
November 5-6, 2019
Institutional Investor Summit DACH by Asset Owners, For Asset Owners
CapstoneLaw Partner, Hans Moritz, discussed the new type of an unregulated collective investment scheme, the Limited Qualified Investor Fund (L-QIF) that caters to the needs of sophisticated investors and how this compares to practices in Germany and Austria on the “INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR SUMMIT DACH By Asset Owners, For Asset Owners” at the Dolder Grand Zürich, Switzerland on November 6, 2019.
March 3, 2019
Less liquid assets, what to do and what not to do
CapstoneLaw Partner, Hans Moritz, discussed Dos and Don’ts when investing into private market investments at the “Symposium for Decision Makers of Swiss Pension Schemes” organised by Schweizer Personal Vorsorge – Prevoyance Professionelle Suisse, at Stiftung Glockenhof on March 28, 2019.